Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring’s Perspective…

It was a rough winter.  Lots of snow, gray clouds and bad roads.  There was this one day when I had had enough.  I needed air… needed to breath in something other than my furnace.  That being said, I went to the park.  In –1 degree weather.

Last week I went to the park with my friend Tiffany.  We had both had crazy busy weeks spent in hospitals and houses, and we needed some air.  To take a slow walk in 65 degree weather and chat about life, jobs, friends and plans.  Neither of us have set plans… both of us are waiting on jobs before we find out the next step.  So we went out.  We felt the sunshine and we smiled.

tiffanyAnd where in winter the lane looked like this:

pathIn  spring it looked like this:

springpathWhen the lake was frozen and covered with snow:

black-white tree 

It was now thawed, and surrounded by families:

_MG_4296And where the world was shades of gray and white before,


I found the ultimate proof that life moves forward and that Spring has sprung:


What a difference 4 months makes. 

I can’t wait to see what the next 4 months brings.  There are so many things up in the air, things I am struggling to turn over to God and not stress about.  I look at these pictures and I smile.  As little of time 4 months seem, big changes can occur.  Things that are the same can be so different all at the same time.

I am getting excited about the changes the next 4 months will bring.

Life is good.  Spring has come.

(part of You Capture)


  1. I love the comparison shots. Great idea!

  2. cool idea! love your captures!

  3. Lovely! I wish I had a lane like that to walk in!

  4. The texture in the last is shot is PERFECT for it! Like, like, LIKE!

  5. I love your shots! Especially that last one :)
