Thursday, June 3, 2010

Choosing just one…

Today the challenge on You Capture was to post just 1 picture.  I am more of a take a million pictures type of person, but I actually didn’t take that many this week thanks to the whole moving thing.  So… my favorite capture?


My brother is big into cars, magnums to be specific.  This is his beauty, which is actually a “chargum”. Somehow he took the front half of  a charger and put it on a magnum… yeah, I don’t get it, but it makes him happy.  Anyway, he enters into all sorts of competitions and one of them was for black and white pictures. I was going to take some good ones and then convert them in Photoshop, but apparently that would get him banned, so here is a straight from the camera black and white.  I didn’t even know my rebel did black and white, and it seems a little flat to me, but I still like it… and it makes it a new challenge to take good pictures without the help of Photoshop afterward.



  1. This is pretty cool - my inlaws are majorly into older cars but I think this shot would still turn them out. Love the B&W.

  2. wow ! what a cool shot. love it
    i have joined in too
    Plz do visit
