Thursday, May 20, 2010

Go Blurry

It was sometime after I moved into my apartment that I discovered the world of blogs.  It probably happened during that month that I lived alone for the first time ever… I spent enough time on the internet I got hooked on several different ones.  One thing I noticed was that everyone had awesome photography, it just seemed like if you had a blog, you had great pictures.  and I loved them. I especially loved the blurry background look… oh how I loved it.  So then one day I read a tutorial on how to achieve that look, and I realized it involved a big camera.  I decided to get one, did a couple weeks of research, and last June I bought my Canon Rebel.  Later on I bought my 50mm lens because it got an even shallower depth of field.  I took a couple of photography classes so I could figure out what depth of field is, and now I love it all the more.

These are senior pics I took for one of my friends that graduated a couple of weeks ago. We went and hung out at the park on Monday, until my battery died.  A second battery is now on my shopping list.


I love how the trees just blend all together

tiffany15 how she can be in focus with everything behind her just  a tad softer.


and to change directions a bit… I love taking flower pics where they fade out.


and I love the thought of taking clear images of K-State beads while making KU go blurry.  Just saying… I’m a purple kind of girl.


And I love this kid.  Which really has nothing to do with anything, but still.


There you have it… my You Capture for this week. 


  1. Very nice! I really like the black and white!

  2. All great photos. I think the graduation ones are particularly exceptional.
