Friday, June 18, 2010

My Version Of Water

Driving to my parents house the other day I took the back dirt roads.  Half-way home I randomly stopped and started taking pictures.  Here is the river up the road from my house:


All the rivers around our place are crazy full.  After all the reading I have done about the flash floods in Arkansas I have spent time thanking God for full rivers that are at least mostly in their banks…  and praying for all the families that are dealing with horrible losses this week.

This picture doesn’t have any water in it, but as soon as I saw it all I could think of was the song that goes “rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey…”  I don’t actually drink whiskey, but the song makes me laugh and I love fields full of corn:


Of course, all of the rain is actually hurting the crops at this point, but still, the world is amazingly green right now.

Driving back along the turnpike to work on Wednesday was interesting.  It was a day full of gorgeous clouds…driving clouds

… that as soon as I was under I had to stop taking pictures because at the rate the water was falling from the sky I could barely stay on the road.  I made it out from the other side of the clouds and got home safely, only to have the clouds land right over my apartment as I left for work.  Nothing like starting work in wet clothes…

And for one last picture, pretty sure the ducks are liking all the water right now…



You Capture on I should be folding laundry.


  1. Beautiful images! I love the corn. What pretty pictures!

  2. Those are some amazing skies!!!! Epic!!!!
