Thursday, March 4, 2010


Hope is wearing your sunglasses for the first time in 2 months

Being Hopeful that spring is coming

Hoping that March turns into the wonderful month I have been choosing to believe it will be for the last 2  months.


Hope, like the gleaming tapers light,

Adorns and cheers our way;

And still, as darker grows the night,

Emits a brighter Ray

~Oliver Goldsmith

(part of you capture at I should be folding laundry.)  

(Taken while driving to Topeka the other day.  I hope I learned my lesson… don’t tell your mom that you take pictures while driving down the highway.  It makes life less stressful for everyone…)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful shot and beautiful poem.
    Spring is long overdue! (Well not really, I'm just not a winter person)
