Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chapter 23

Today I turn 23. 

23 has been a big deal to me for years.  For some reason I decided when I was like 13 that 23 was going to be the perfect age.  Out of college long enough to have a career, be comfortable in my job, making good money… it was the right age.

For the past several months I have been struggling with some changes to make in my life, to the point where I am pretty sure I am moving in the next couple of months.  (moving=new job=way scary.)

Where? I have no clue.  (well, I have a clue, but no idea what is going to work out, so therefore… no clue)

Several of the things I have planned in the last year have fallen through, and that is hard…  no air force.  no Uganda.  no masters. 

Enough failures makes taking the next step hard.  But I am determined too.  Determined to be proud of the life I am living.  To not sit home in my apartment because I am scared to leave it.

So here is to you, 23.  There are decisions I will be making during your year that will be hard, scary.  I think you and I are going to be good friends.  I am excited to  see what you have in store for me.

And so the next chapter begins…



  1. Hey Corrie, I'm glad you are here in Florida seeing you're Other Half. Changes are always tough and scary, but sometimes they can be for the better. I hope everything goes well for you and I know you can make it through anything. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have Fun, Later!
    - Ray -

  2. I centered your picture...hope you don't mind me messing with your stuff lol
