Thursday, February 4, 2010

You Capture: Faces

the You Capture Challenge this week is faces.

Meet the Thiessen Girls. Last week my Aunt Ann was in town to see the family, and I managed to be home at the same time. My mom wanted a good picture of the three sisters, so I took my camera over to the grandparents.

In order of age:
Isn't my mom beautiful? This picture was actually taken at Dad's office right before we headed over to the Hillcrest.

Aunt Chris: this is her "I don't want my picture taken but corrie isn't listening to me" face. Classic Chrissy..

The baby of the family (I do so love being the baby of the family. She is also very good at the role...)


I love my family.

and just for kicks... this is the little boy my SIL Karina babysits. He was almost as hard to get a good picture of as Hurley, because he also doesn't hold still. But this face is adorable...


  1. How wonderful that you could document your mother and her sisters' visit! They will cherish these images as they go their separate ways. Great captures!

  2. Your Mom is beautiful! I love her smile! And your Aunts are so pretty as well! I know what you mean about having a hard time taking pictures of little ones. They move like crazy! : )

  3. Beautiful women! And what a cute little baby:)

    I love all the smiles!
