Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You Capture: Shapes!

This past weekend was amazing.  A mini college reunion where a group of us flew out to Wisconsin to help another friend celebrate her birthday.


We were the annoying people on the plane who were laughing an talking and playing uno at 530 in the morning.  A lot of caffeine was consumed that day.

While there we went to the Milwaukee Discovery World (which was way cool) and saw many shapes…


As a Kansas girl I am glad that shape is confined in a clear tube and not out in the field headed towards my house…


Jellyfish have got to be the weirdest thing ever.  Where is their brain?  Blood?  Nerves?  Do they have any of those things?  They are very round… not sure I knew that. 


And what would a girl’s weekend be without a Hersey's town square full of melted chocolate and surrounded by blocks of pineapple and angel food cake, round pretzel sticks and marshmallows and fresh strawberries?


I have been blessed with friends in many shapes and sizes, and I thank God for each and every one of them!

(part of the you capture series over at I should be folding laundry)


  1. Great shots. I took some jellyfish shots this week, but the glass on the aquarium had so much condensation that they pictures looked out of focus. Yours are fantastic!

  2. I love the jellyfish picture. They are fascinating aren't they?

  3. Wonderful captures, looks like you had a fabulous time!
    Love the shots of the jellyfish.

  4. I love the jelly fish shots. I also really like the airplane picture, the angle makes you look twice!
