Monday, June 1, 2009

GN day 1

I have blood on my right shoe. I survived 3 years of working in the Emergency Department as a tech and 2 years of nursing school and never once did a drop of blood ever come in contact with my scrubs. But my very first day as a Graduate Nurse and I get blood on me.

How awesome is that? :D

I had a very successful first day I think. I missed 66% of my IV starts, charted on the wrong patient only once, and got to perform CPR for the first time. My preceptor called in sick today so I was following around a different nurse than I am used to, who is great but just not what I am used to. It was good to see how other nurses assess their patients and chart and to discover what they have learned over the years and what stuck out the most to them.

I am so very tired though...I think I will write more in the next couple of days because I am just so tired.