Friday, June 26, 2009

The things I think about/want to tell people when I am at work.

Dear ED nurse,
Hello! this is Corrie from 4th floor. I would jsut like to say a couple of things to you. Notice I do not say these things during shift change, because I for one acknowledge that you are busy. So maybe next time you send me a pt at 715, you could show just a hint of awareness that 715 is a really bad tiime to get a pt? and that when we ask you to wait until at least 730, we are totally serious? and that calling me and getting mad that I cannot talk to you that exact minute is not going to make me any less busy and unable to talk? Oh, and for the record(and I send this out to admitting concerning direct admits too)it really wouldn't kill you to spend 60seconds finding me to tell me you dropped off the pt. or find my aid. or for that matter, tell the IA you are dropping off the orders. really, tell anyone. Just don't make me walk into a room and find the pt sitting there. it looks bad, and makes me mad enough to last all shift. Just a thought. Feel free to ignore it.

Dear People who design scrubs,
Hello. I was wondering if you are all men? Cause I have been wearing scrubs for quite some time now, and I am pretty sure a man designed them. Why, you ask? Cause most women have butts that are bigger than their waists, and buy clothes accordingly. Seriously, for me to get a scrub top that fits my chest, it is almost always too tight around my bottom, which makes it bunch up annoyingly. MAKE THE SLITS BIGGER! Seriously. I am tall, which means they shorter on me anyway. The things just don't make any logical sense. Oh, and Dickies? Yeah, I hate you. I might own 3 pairs of your pants, but I for the life of me cannot figure out the drawstring, and I always feel trapped cause I can't get it to loosen. Learn about elastic, people. Makes life easier. (in your defense, I love the flair.)

Dear God,
Hi! So I just wanted to thank you for the miracle of the fact that RaDonna and I managed through no planning to have 7 days off at the EXACT SAME TIME, and that she could find cheap tickets on a holiday weekend, and that she is coming and we are going, and I am so excited and it totally had to be a You thing so thanks. You must know how much I could use a week with my friend. Oh, and thank you also that my pt that coded twice this week already didn't code on me. It made my night so much better.

I spent almost an hour the other night sitting with an older woman while others coded her husband. She just looked at me... we have been married 64 years. He is my soul mate. I don't know how to live without him. I hate to see him suffering.

that kind of love? I don't see it all that often, but it was so real. I could feel her fighting for her husband, trying to make him fight. How do you tell a woman who doesn't know how to live without her man that maybe the best thing she could do is let him go? I didn't... just sat there, made sure she wasn't alone. That was probably the most important 45 minutes of my last 3 nights.

Someday I would like a love like that.


  1. oh Corrie!!!! you make me laugh!!
    it is a miracle that we both have the same time off! so fantastic. I am off 2 days, work 3 and then I am with you!
    That is so sad about the wife of the coding'll have a love like that someday.
    Oh, and go easy on the ED nurses! ;)

  2. I try to go easy on ED nurses, just for you. Maybe I would like your ED better.

  3. This is so good, Corre, SO REAL. I hope your grandparents have such caring nurses when/if they go into the hopsital. I'm also thankful God is allowing you to see His hand in your days. How exciting that RaDonna is coming with us to Colorado!
