Thursday, September 2, 2010

Loving life, morning edition.

So… I didn’t do the last 2 You Capture challenges, but for a good reason. I spent the last 12 days on vacation in Costa Rica.  I was outside playing pretty much every day. I took walks on the beach, I rode a zip line through the rain forest, I walked on hanging bridges 300 feet in the air, and I stayed at a hotel at the bottom of an active volcano:_MG_7656 (Arenal first thing in the morning… that is steam coming off.  We didn’t get to see any lava, which was a bummer)

I took early morning walks, which I never do, and was amazed at what I saw:

_MG_7675( Hummingbirds all over the place)

_MG_7051( Beautiful flowers glistening after the morning rain)

_MG_7125( Iguana’s loving the morning sun)

We stayed 2 night at the JW Marriott resort on the pacific and the beach in the morning was gorgeous…. _MG_8095 As it also was at night.


(I know, not the challenge, but still…)

This is beautiful lake formed by a crater from another (non-active) volcano, Poas, we walked up one morning. 

_MG_6584 The mysterious reflecting rivers of the Tortuguerro reserve on our morning boat rides.

_MG_7283 And a beautiful Butterfly park


I could keep going, literally all day.  I took over 1500 pictures, and have spent the last 2 days going through and deleting the bad ones and duplicates.  Someday I might edit some of these, but I have enjoyed just going back and looking at the beauty.  I needed a week away to relax and unwind, and I got it.

Life is good.


  1. That's smart. The HPPA disclosure. I look forward to getting to know you (both of you) Tell me about the nursing caps. I haven't seen them in years. I lived my whole life looking forward to being able to wear one and then no one wore them. How elegant and chic! Such a reward.

  2. wow looks beautiful. I can't believe you saw an iguana just hanging out, crazy.

  3. Lucky you!! Looks like you brought back some great photos to share.
