Thursday, September 23, 2010

The end of the driveway.

I am a Kansas girl. Who lives on a farm.  Want to know what Kansas girls who live on farms see lots of this time of year?

sn There is a reason we are called the Sunflower state.  There is huge pile of these growing at the end of our cattle road, and I drove down there after work on Tuesday to take some pictures.  The morning light was awesome.  My  photography class officially moved me into the realms of Manual, off of program where I have been quite comfortable for the last year, so there weren’t quite as many expecting good ones as I was expecting.  I blew out a lot of color, (so I guess I needed a faster shutter speed for less light? that is what I did with the picture above, but then turned it right back down…) but I love them just the same.

pretty I love the contrast of the bright pretty flowers with the rusty barbed wire.


I haven’t played around with textures for a while, so I added some here.  I like it…

What I really want to do is go to the field a couple miles up from our place and sneak around in their pasture, it has all sorts of fall colors going, but I am leery of doing that.  Kansas girls who live on farms also see lots of steers, and I am not overly fond of being chased, so these will have to do.


Part of You Capture


  1. Very pretty! I really like the first one, and the texture one is really cool, too. :)

  2. beautiful captures. Love the 2nd one.

  3. Beautiful! They have such a warm, country feel.

  4. I just like the simplicity of these photos. Very peaceful.

  5. We see lots of these flowers in Colorado too. I love that they just spring up everywhere!

  6. Very lovely--I see quite a few of those little flowers in Iowa too.

  7. So beautiful! I'd love to have those around here!

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving sweet comments! :)

    Love these photos as well. Beautiful flowers!

  9. Love your pictures.
    I am a nurse too. I have worked the floor the cardiac diagnostic unit at Duke and ED for many years at a hospital in Raleigh. For the last 7 yrs I have worked for an allergist in Chapel Hill. I have really enjoyed getting to know our patients over the years in the clinic. Kinda like a family.
    Take care and thanks for your flower post:-)

  10. like the bobwire for sure!

    i captured & wrote about sunflowers, although dying, was pleased with what I learned and how they came out.
