Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Long Overdue

Today I went to the movies and watched Julie & Julia and was inspired to once again do my part and contribute to A tale of Two Nurses.

Hi--Longtime no see :D

I feel like a different person since the last time we have spoken. I have been through the ringer so to speak and emerged a little damaged and a lot changed. For the better I hope. Oh where to begin...the last time I blogged I was trying to keep from freaking out over a dirty needle stick.

Clinically I am still a spastic nurse...I recently attempted to bleed a patient out one of her anticubital veins because I started her IV without properly preparing my supplies and when I scored a superb vein, I was unable to staunch the flow and had to call in reinforcements to help me unwrap my supplies and cap the the IV catheter. The patients daughter was on the verge of freaking out. I was mortified. And about a week ago I forgot to take the tourniquet off my patient's arm after drawing blood. The tourniquet was found by the paramedic who wrote on it "No circulation is a great thing!!! RaDonna!! Ha ha ha!!!" I was humiliated!!! But I learned 2 valuable lessons that I won't soon forget.

Educationally I am now Trauma Nurse Core Course Certified and Emergency Nurse Pediatric Course Certified which means I will better be able to care for my patients in crisis situations and I will also be more marketable in the likely event I don't stay at my current hospital for the rest of my life. And as of Tuesday I will be a University student! I am going straight back to school for BSN because knowing me if I lose momentum now I won't ever go back. I will also be taking College Chemistry which is the the only class to ever kick my butt so I am going back for more! Wish me luck because it is making me nervous.

Emotionally I am doing pretty horribly. A week ago today I broke up with boyfriend of nearly two years. Irreconcilable differences I suppose would be the technical reason...we just started sucking at being together and decided to call it quits. We are trying the friend route which I really hope works out well because not only was he my boyfriend he was also my best friend and he knows me better than anyone. So we'll see where this goes. I am filling my newly found time with lots of sleeping, lots of Call of Duty 4, some crying and a bit of self-loathing and pity. But I am doing my best to keep my spirits up and look on the bright side...I can now wear high-heels and will be able to focus more on my school this fall. People say that breaking up is hard to do and I think that is a serious understatement. I actually feel like I am walking around with a gaping hole in my chest and nothing that anyone says or does will make it better. But I will be ok, I will emerge a better and more complete person, it will just take time.

That is all for tonight...I am typed out for the present...

1 comment:

  1. welcome back! I was begining to think I was talking to myself.
