Monday, September 28, 2009

the pursuit of knowledge and experiences.

So I don't really like working weekends. On nights weekends consist of Friday Saturday and Sunday. Usually you only work one or two of them. This week I worked all three. Last weekend I work Friday and Saturday. I HATE WEEKENDS. Seriously. I missed church, I missed football, I did nothing.

I did, however, do a whole bunch of things I had never done before. One night I did peritoneal dialysis. I had no clue what I was doing, figured I could fake it and found out soon that it wasn't possible. I ended up having to get a nurse from the renal floor to come help. She treated me like a retard, not knowing how to do it. Of course, later that night I got a transfer from that nurses floor who was like, "I don't really know but I think his heart was regular". Seriously? How hard is it to tell if a heart is beating regularly? Anyway, peritoneal dialysis is an interesting process. You put a bunch of fluid into the stomach cavity, where through the process of osmosis all the toxins in the body float into the fluid, and then we drain it out. How awesome is the human body?

then I got to access a port a cath. Basically that is a port stuck under the skin that you stick a needle into. They are supposed to be changed every week, and this guy had his for over a month. I GOT TO STICK A NEEDLE IN HIS CHEST. How totally cool is that? This isn't some tiny needle, either, it was stinkin huge. and bent. and I shoved it in his chest. Sometimes this job is totally fun.

Not so sure he thought it was fun.

There is always something new to learn, always something I don't know. I like that about my job. In the next month I am going to be taking 5 all day classes to prepare to get my PCCN certification. I am excited for the review, the chance to gain more knowledge. We shall see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. the best thing about nursing is that you get to learn something new every single shift! i find peritoneal dialysis so intriguing!! and can pretty much guarantee that i will never do it! port a caths are fun, right?? it's freaky though how the needle just hangs out. glad you are learning and loving life! :D
